Friday, July 19, 2019

Essays --

What affects do Steroids have on Weightlifters? Weightlifters have been known to abuse steroids to a greater extent than athletes in other sports. Interviews have been made from the young athletes and adults who have taken steroids on the reasons why and the outcomes of the drug towards their body. It has been proven that athletes use steroids for better results in their body shape or for the strive to succeed. What they dont bring to mind and think twice of before they intake the drug is what effects can the drug abuse of steroids have on the body of a weightlifter? Anabolic Steroids or AAS were founded in the 1930’s and is a drug many athletes and weightlifters abuse for the desire to win against their competition (Parikh, Rahul). Steroids produce testosterone and can be both harmful and helpful. Steroids are regarded as prescription and are only a synthetic substance. There’s over 100 types of steroids but the main sources that steroids are made of is plants, animals and fungi. Steroids are abused for the use of muscle mass and a better performance in the sport that is being played. Steroids can be taken in as injections, tablets, capsules, sublingual-tablets, liquid drops, subdermal implant pellets, transdermal patches, creams and finally, gel applied directly to the skin (Parikh, Rahul). Many weightlifters combine steroids with other substances and drugs for â€Å"better† outcomes against their competitors. The outcome of steroids towards the body depends on the amount of dosage you take in (Parikh, Rahul). Steroids give off mood swings causing that person to be more aggressive and mean. Violence is more accurate when dealing with steroids (Performance-enhancing drugs). Steroids are illegal all over the world unless prescribed to... ...ack for life. Say no to anabolic steroids or any type of drug. Be the athlete you are meant to be and strive for success through your ambition and dedication. You can do all things through christ who strengthens you. Steroids don’t make you stronger mentally, you as a true athlete will be happy through the hard work you put in and the time of day. Train like a beast and be the best athlete in the world clean and pure. The effects on your body from abusing steroids or any other drug are up to you. Would you rather risk your life from getting sick and dying, being stuck in prison and throwing away your chances of being a true winner or would you say no to the drug, train the right way and work your heart out and become fit and successful the way a true weightlifter should? The decisions are up to you, no one can change what your mind and heart desire except yourself.

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